Текст: ГодЛитературы.РФ
Фото: Анна Скобанева - профиль "Фейсбука"; Святой Иероним, погруженный в чтение. Картина Гирландайо/ru.wiki.org
30 сентября во всем мире отмечается День переводчика. Он приурочен к годовщине смерти Святого Иеронима, создавшего в V веке «Вульгату» - канонический перевод Библии на латынь, послуживший основой для всех дальнейших бесчисленных переводов. Что справедливо. Но в России 30 сентября - это день Веры, Надежды, Любови и матери их Софии - небесной премудрости. И это тоже справедливо: потому что без этих добродетелей (особенно без последней) ремесло переводчика невозможно.
В 2015 году кафедра английского языка естественно-научных факультетов Воронежского госуниверситета провела конкурс переводов на английский язык стихотворения Константина Симонова «Жди меня», посвященный юбилею Победы и 100-летию со дня рождения поэта.
В конкурсе, помимо студентов университета, приняли участие и учителя английского языка, и школьники. Жюри конкурса в составе профессоров А. П. Бабушкина, М. К. Поповой и М. А. Стерниной рассмотрели в общей сложности 15 вариантов.
Места распределились следующим образом:
1 место - Анна Скобанева (4 курс факультета прикладной математики и механики)
2 место - Олег Кондрахин (2 курс ПММ)
3 место - Елена Эм (2 курс ПММ), Екатерина Букша (2 курс факультета международных отношений)
Представляем переводы победителей конкурса, а также вариант перевода, выполненный членом жюри профессором Воронежского университета Анатолием Бабушкиным.
Потому что в переводе, как в жизни, окончательных решений не бывает.
Wait for Me
Wait for me, I will come back.
Don’t give in to pain.
Wait, when everything goes black
Under heavy rain.
Wait, when snow freezes heart,
Hides the world in haze.
Wait for me, we're not apart
Till the end of days.
Wait, when nothing gives you hope,
Nothing strengthens faith.
Wait, when at the end of rope
You feel weak like wraith.
Wait for me, I’ll find the way
To come back to you.
Wait, forget what others say.
I will make it through.
Even when my blood, my son
Lets me go for good,
Even when my friends are done,
Wait for me, you should!
Do not stop or lose belief!
Argue! Disagree!
Don’t surrender to your grief!
Don’t give up on me!
Wait for me, I WILL come back!
I will break through hell!
I’ll hold out! I’ll attack!
I will strike, rebel!
No force can conquer me,
It’s not luck or fate…
I’ll come home safe and free
Just because you wait.
They will wonder with relief,
How I stayed alive.
I’ll come back, ‘cause your belief
Helped me to survive.
Анна Скобанева
(1 место - 4 курс факультета прикладной математики и механики Воронежского госуниверситета)
Wait for me until I'm back
Even if it's hard.
Wait in spite of all impacts
And protect your hoping heart.
Wait for me when blizzard blows,
Wait when it is scorching heat.
Fight with hopelessness sharp claws.
You must cope with it.
Wait, when letters will not come
From the farthest land.
Wait, when other's hope has gone
Like through the sieve goes sand.
Wait for me till I return
Even if they say
That it's time for hope to burn.
Blow these thoughts away.
Let my son and let my mother
Accept my fameless death.
Let my friends and all the other
Have their humble rest.
They will drink some bitter wine
For my sinner's soul.
But for you it's not a sign
To give up at all.
Wait for me until I'm back.
And spit right in the death's mug.
Let other guys, whose hope got crack
Think my survival is luck.
They will never understand
How you made me braver.
And you know, I'm still not dead
Because of you - my savior.
I'm alive and it's a wonder.
I have won in battle with the death
Because you've been waiting harder
Harder than anybody else.
Олег Кондрахин
(2 место - 2 курс ПММ Воронежского госуниверситета)
Wait for me and I'll return
But please wait for me.
Wait when comes an autumn term
and it rains sadly.
Wait when comes a winter term
Or when summer comes.
Wait when all the rest has lost
Hope for returns.
Wait when there are no more
Letters which could come.
Wait when expectation bores
You and everyone.
Wait for me and I'll return.
I could be in cell.
It's the fact they rely on,
Do not wish them well.
Let the mother and the son
Be sure in my death.
Let the friends drink bitter wine,
Let them feel that waste.
They could light a fire and
Make my funeral.
Don’t drink with them, just wait.
Wait, my beautiful.
Wait for me and I'll return
In spite of death and fate.
They say: you are a lucky one;
They, who do not wait.
They will never understand
How you saved me:
I just knew on burning land
That you waited me.
How I survived would know
Only I and you.
That's because you can wait more
Than any else can do.
Елена Эм
(3 место - 2 курс ПММ Воронежского госуниверситета)
Wait for me and I will come.
If your faith is strong,
When the yellow rain falls down
With sadnesses along,
When the snow is sweeping up,
When the streets are hot,
When the others tomb my chance
You forget me not.
Wait for me without news
From far and far away,
When the promises are loose
And all forgot my name.
Wait for me and I will come,
You shouldn't lose your faith,
Despite the friends, who all believe,
I have met my death.
Let the mother and the son
Believe that I am dead,
Let the peers, for a while
Be a little sad,
Let them drink some bitter wine
For the peace of mine...
Wait for me and I'll return,
If you really want.
Wait for me and I will come,
All the deaths despite.
And let the people, who gave up,
To be in their right.
They could never really get,
How among the fire,
With your endless, anxious wait
You helped me stay alive.
It could be our own secret,
Of which we know-You and I-
But the answer is so simple-
Your faith helped me survive.
Екатерина Букша
(3 место - 2 курс факультета международных отношений Воронежского госуниверситета)
Wait for me and I‘ll return from the War alive
Wait for me, You always should
Wait and wait again.
Wait is spite of gloomy mood
Caused by drizzling rain.
Wait in spite of snow-fall,
Wait in spite of heat,
Even when the chance is small -
People say - to meet.
Wait when no letters come,
Wait at any rate.
Be for those deaf and dumb
Who is sick to wait.
Wait for me and I’ll return.
During any chat
Turn away from other men
Who believe me dead.
Let my children and my Mam
See me in the grave.
You are not to think like them,
Make Your waiting brave.
At the fire-place my mate
Drinks a mournful wine.
You just wait, and don’t drink
With a friend of mine.
Wait for me, and I’ll come soon,
Keep your patience, wait.
It was not «a silver spoon»
That controlled my fate,
Is it easy to believe?
Let me give a cue:
I was granted luck to live
Just because of You.
All my ordeals were great,
I was hurt and stung.
But You had the art to wait,
You - the only one!
Анатолий Бабушкин
(профессор кафедры английского языка естественно-научных факультетов Воронежского госуниверситета)
Ссылки по теме:
Автограф. К. М. Симонов - ГодЛитературы.РФ, 05.06.2015
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